August 21, 2006

A Homeschool Meme

1) One homeschooling book you have enjoyed: To be completely honest, the only homeschooling book that I have read is The Well Trained Mind. When I read that book, everything just "clicked" for me.

2. One resource you wouldn'tÂ’t be without: I would be lost without the internet and the library online catalog.

3. One resource you wish you had never bought: Hands down, Saxon math! Someone promise to smack me in the head with a shovel should I ever even *mention* switching back the that monotonous curriculum.

4. One resource you enjoyed last year: I really enjoyed a unit study about the Olympics. It was so well done and the boys and I had a lot of fun learning together.

5. One resource you'll be using next year: This year I decided to try out the Sonlight Core for history. I had previously been using Story of the World and although we enjoyed it, it required too much of my time in preparation work. I went with Sonlight because they did all of the work for me, plus, I got a really cool tote bag for free!

6. One resource you would like to buy: I would like to buy a Chemistry teacher.

7. One resource you wish existed: See number 6.

8. One homeschool catalogue you enjoy reading: I love the Veritas Press catalog and the Memoria Press catalog.

9. One homeschool website you use regularly: I visit The Well Trained Mind website daily.


Mise en Place said...

The only thing I can do it tip my hat to anyONE that homeschools. I volunteer at our school every day of the week....but my word, be totally responsible for educating my kids? NO, thanks!

Great Job! You homeschooling Moms ROCK!

H said...

I really like the idea of buying a chemistry teacher.

I would especially like it if the chemistry teacher would stick around and cook dinner after class!

Laney said...

I'm with you on that one, Hillary!

He could just do some little experiment and make a yummy, nutririous meal pop out of a tet tube!:-)

Laney said...

Good heavens! That should be *test* tube!!

Thank-you Momyblogr!!

Randi said...

Haha! We use Saxon math--does this mean we can't be friends anymore?

When my oldest daughter was about 12 we were having major troubles in math. I am talking about tears every single day. Saxon turned out to be just what we needed--all the repetition was perfect for her. Since then, we have found that my hubby (the math teacher) really likes it because it is so self-explanitory! I guess it just goes to show that what works for one homeschooler might not work for another!

Needleroozer said...

Hey Laney,
Like minds think great! I was just getting ready to tag you to do this, when I saw you already had. Mine is up at the GD.

Frankie said...

Oh my gosh, I just burst out laughing...I want a chemistry teacher, too! That was an excellent answer. lol